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relaxing techniques中文是什么意思

用"relaxing techniques"造句"relaxing techniques"怎么读"relaxing techniques" in a sentence


  • 松弛技术


  • You should learn to use a relaxed technique when hitting the ball at its highest point after bounce . a large variety of strokes can be successfully applied at this distance
  • Since estimating parameters of all scattering centers at the same time is the cause of high computational cost and complexity , relax technique is introduced into mle algorithms to get around that difficulty
    在此基础上,引入relax技术,提出了ml - relax参数估计方法,解决了同时估计多个散射中心这一造成计算量过大的根源问题。
  • A branch and bound algorithm for solving a class of nonlinear 0 - 1 knapsack problems is proposed , in which branching is common 0 - 1 variables one and a better feasible solution is found by a simply integer heuristic method as well as a lower bound of the optimal value of the subproblem in the each branching node is determined by solving linear programming relaxed approximate problem to be obtained with linear relaxed technique
    摘要构造出了一类可分离非线性0 - 1背包问题的分枝定界算法,分枝的过程是普通的0 - 1变量分枝,用简单的取整启发式法确定更好的可行解;而在每个分枝结点处用线性松弛技术确定了它的子问题的一个线性规划松弛逼近,由此得到最优值的一个下界。
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